Longing for Ireland
Travel tips for trips to the island of Ireland with Tourism Ireland. Let's explore the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and discover places to visit, eat and stay! Visit ireland.com to plan out your next trip #FillYourHeartWithIreland #LongingForIreland
Longing for Ireland
Who was Saint Patrick?
Tourism Ireland
Season 2021
Episode 4
Who was Saint Patrick? And why is he so important in Ireland? And how should you experience Saint Patrick in Ireland?
This time we are joined by Martina Purdy, former BBC political correspondant, turned nun and now guide at the Saint Patrick Centre as well as the director of the centre, Dr. Tim Campbell.
Bonus info: the Irish name "Niamh" (pronounced "Neeve") means Saint in Irish.
For more info on the tours and the centre see www.saintpatrickcentre.com