Longing for Ireland
Travel tips for trips to the island of Ireland with Tourism Ireland. Let's explore the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and discover places to visit, eat and stay! Visit ireland.com to plan out your next trip #FillYourHeartWithIreland #LongingForIreland
Longing for Ireland
Rebel City Cork
Tourism Ireland
Season 2023
Episode 27
Prepare to uncover the captivating history and spirit of Cork, Ireland, as we delve into the city's rebellious character. Joining us for this exploration is Dara Burke, the founder of Rebel City Tours, a company dedicated to showcasing the unique character of Cork.
Discover the historical events and iconic figures that have shaped Cork's reputation for rebellion and how this legacy continues to influence the city's culture. Dara shares his top recommendations for experiencing the 'Rebel City' first-hand, and we'll get a sneak peek into the unique tours offered by Rebel City Tours.
Discover more at rebelcitytour.com
- The Wallace sisters - change.org/p/remember-the-wallace-sisters
- Cork City Jail - corkcitygaol.com
- Spike Island - spikeislandcork.ie
- Mutton lane inn - corkheritagepubs.com/pub/mutton-lane-inn
- Nano Nagle Place - nanonagleplace.ie
- Greenway harbour cycle tour rebelcitytour.com
- Village of Passage West and Maritime Museum - passagemuseum.ie
Irish words or sayings in this episode:
- Seanfhocail (Old word/oral wisdoms passed down) – Pronounced: "shan-uh-fo-kull"
- 'Tá fhiach an t-aon rud is mícheart a íoc' (Revenge is the only debt not worth repaying) – Pronounced: "Taw fee-akh on t-ayn rood iss me-khart a eek