Longing for Ireland
Longing for Ireland
The Legend of the Púca & the Púca Festival
Mischievous, unpredictable, and shape-shifting – this mythical Irish being is said to be especially active at Halloween, or what we call Samhain. But what is it, and why is there a Halloween festival named after it?
We're joined by Dr. Kelly Fitzgerald, Head of the School of Irish, Celtic Studies, and Folklore at University College Dublin to explore this mythical creature and its namesake, the Púca festival.
Discover more about the Púca festival by visiting pucafestival.com
Irish Words and Pronunciations:
Lúnasa (the beginning of the harvest) – Pronounced: "LOO-nuh-suh"
Samhain (the name for November/Halloween) – Pronounced: "SAH-win"
Nollaig (December/Christmas) – Pronounced: "NUL-ig"
Fear dearg (a red man) – Pronounced: "FAIR JARE-ug"
Breac (speckled) – Pronounced: "BRACK"
Mummer (costumed performer) – Pronounced: "MUH-mer"
Guisers (costumed Halloween goers) – Pronounced: "GIZE-ers"
Barnbrack (Irish Halloween fruitcake) – Pronounced: "BARN-brack"