Longing for Ireland
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Longing for Ireland
A tale of Two Oceans – A UNESCO Global Geopark
Tourism Ireland
Season 2023
Episode 22
Rooted in ancient myth the stunning Mourne Gullion Strangford UNESCO Global Geopark is one of the world's best-kept secrets, boasting a wealth of natural beauty and cultural heritage that will take your breath away.
Today, we're joined by Darren Rice, Geopark Manager for the area, as we go on a fascinating journey and delve into the areas rich history and uncover the secrets of its geology and culture. From the mythical tales of Slieve Gullion and Cú Chulainn to the astonishing Mourne wall.
For more information on the UNESCO Global Geopark visit: mournegullionstrangfordgeopark.com
This episode’s Irish words:
- Booleying (taking cattle to the uplands for summer) – Pronounced: Boo-lee-ing
- Poitín (Irish moonshine) – Pronounced: pot-cheen
- Cú Chulainn (Cullan’s Hound) – Pronounced: coo-hull-in
- Sleive (Mountain) – Pronounced: sleeve
Experiences mentioned:
- Sup and soda - Tracey’s farmhouse kitchen: traceysfarmhousekitchen.com
- Booley and butter - Mountain Ways Ireland: mountainwaysireland.com
- Sing For Your Supper: bluebell-lane.com/sing-for-your-supper
- Paedric’s land (artistic centre) - https://bluebell-lane.com/events-2/