Longing for Ireland
Longing for Ireland
Gaelic Games – A glimpse into ancient Irish heritage
Rooted in ancient myths and the fastest sport on grass; Gaelic games give a glimpse into ancient Irish heritage that still thrives to this day – But what are Gaelic games?
Today we are joined by Cormac Ó Donnchú, co-founder of Experience Gaelic Games to talk about the sports and their connection to Irish culture.
For more information on the trips on offer visit: experiencegaelicgames.com
This episode’s Irish words:
Hurling (Sport) – Pronounced: Huer-ling
Camogie (woman’s hurling) – Pronounced: Ka-maw-gi
sliotar (ball for hurling) – Pronounced: Schli-tar
Camán (hurling stick) – Pronounced: Com-oon
Caid (ancient mob football) – Pronounced: Ka-id
Cú Chulainn (mythic character - "Hound (cú) of Culann") – Pronounced: Koo-kul-in
Fite fuaite (something that is intertwined – something that can’t be unpicked) – Pronounced: fi-tcha Foo-cha