Longing for Ireland
Travel tips for trips to the island of Ireland with Tourism Ireland. Let's explore the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and discover places to visit, eat and stay! Visit ireland.com to plan out your next trip #FillYourHeartWithIreland #LongingForIreland
Longing for Ireland
Irish homeliness – B&B style
Tourism Ireland
Season 2022
Episode 15
Cosy cottages, town houses, country homes, farmhouses, and historic houses – They are all very different, but one thing thy have in common is the sense of Irish homeliness.
Today we are joined by Helena Healy, CEO at B & B Ireland to talk about Irish homeliness and how to experience Ireland from a B&B.
For more information on the trips on offer visit: bandbireland.com
This episode’s Irish words:
A couple of words
Cúpla focal - Pronounced: Coop-la Fuc-ull
Cheers! (To your health)
Sláinte - Pronounced: S + lawn + Ch(urch)