Longing for Ireland
Longing for Ireland
Irish Food
Beautiful seafood, warming chowder, lamb and beef from the greenest pastures and absolutely delicious derry products… so much to try, yet so little time – so where should you start?
Today we are joined by Suzanne Burns, owner and guide at Kinsale Food Tours, to talk about Irish food; tips on what to try, Irish raw ingredients, and what to bring back when returning from Ireland.
Kinsale Food Tours offer guided food tours of Kinsale and surrounds. Ranging all the way from multi-stop walking town and food tours, wild food tours, foraging and picnic tours and all the way up to a luxury yacht tour & picnic.
For more information on the trips on offer visit: kinsalefoodtours.com
This episode’s Irish words and sayings:
(reply) Cheers/good health back to you
Sláinte mhaith - Pronounced: S + lawn + Ch(urch) wha
Take it easy/chill out
Tóg go bog é - Pronounced: tóg-go bog-é
I’m amazing / terrible – context dependent
I’m grand
Are you enjoying yourself?
Are you having the craic? – Pronounced: Krak